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Balancing Ayurveda blend - Pitta

Balancing Ayurveda blend - Pitta
  • 95°C
  • 5-7 min.
  • 4 g/200ml
  • Weight:

  • Price:

    5.00 €

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For balancing of PITTA dosha  It has a general balancing effect and regulates digestion and metabolism. Its main ingredients are cardamom, liquorice root, and coriander. The prevailing taste is sweet, mostly supplied by the liquorice root, which is famous for its detoxicating effects. Rose petals give the tea its aromatic note, while its spicy touch comes from ginger and fennel. We can drink tea at any time of the day, and it also makes a great good morning or good night cup.  Ayurveda is the oldest science of life and its principles; the word itself means “knowledge of life”, and originates in India and dates back about 5000 years. Human body is seen in its entirety, as coexistence of physical, mental, and spiritual energy.   Problems with health can result from multi-level imbalance, and in order to restore health they need to be balanced again. Ayurvedic diagnostic methods sense imbalance already at its earliest stage. By applying different techniques, correct nutrition and use of adequate spices and herbs are of key importance; radiant health and balance can be restored. This means that Ayurveda is of explicitly preventative nature: by identifying disease at its earliest stage, its development can be nipped in the bud.   It is typical of Ayurveda that is does not act rapidly by removing symptoms only, but enhances self-curing abilities of the body by respecting natural rules of healing. Ayurvedic treatment can thus last longer, however, it enables the body to permanently restore its balance and health.   Ayurveda has three fundamental “characters”, “types”, or doshas, which by acting jointly help shape each individual into a unique person on physical, mental and spiritual level. These are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha. One of the three usually prevails in everyone of us, or even two of them can be equally strong, whereas it is extremely rare to have equal ratio of all three doshas. For optimal health and well being it is important to maintain dosha balance, in particular to balance the most powerful dosha really well, since it is the one that exerts the strongest influence on us. We have to think about correct nutrition, type of work and other activities, suitable for individual doshas or a combination of them all.   Our health problems begin when any of the doshas is unbalanced due to our lifestyle, nutrition, weather, and other factors of influence. Ayurvedic blends play an important role in the balancing of doshas, with their taste and function.    
PREPARATION  Ayurvedic teas mostly consist of spices (rootstalk, seeds, bark), and only develop their beneficial effects when cooked for some time. Ingredients slowly release their effects during cooking; we can thus use the same tea more than once. First we pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of tea. We let it steep for at least five minutes before straining. Then we take the same quantity of water, and put the boiled tea in cold water. Bring it back to boil and let it cook for a few minutes on the lowest possible heat in a covered pot. Remove the pot from heat, let the tea steep for about 5 minutes and filter it. This tea has stronger flavour and effects than the first brew. We can prepare the third brew just like the second one, only let the tea boil for a bit longer, from five to ten minutes.