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Rooibos Cool Lemon herbal blend

Rooibos Cool Lemon herbal blend
  • 95°C
  • 7-8 min.
  • 4 g/200ml
  • Weight:

  • Price:

    4.80 €

  • SKU:


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Product description

Refreshing rooibos with lemongrass. Unusual herb with interesting and health-enhancing effect comes from the Republic of South Africa, from Cedarberg mountains. It has been known to general public and used by it for over a hundred years, since it was first grown and produced for sale already in 1904. Before that only local people were using it. Rooibos was first produced from self-sown plants, while today it is also cultivated. However, the plant only grows in the aforementioned mountains and nowhere else. The word rooibos means red bush and comes from Afrikaans, a version of Dutch language. Its spiny sprouts and thin leaves are finely chopped, placed in layers and let enzymatically oxidise (ferment) under the scorching sun. During this procedure the colour turns from green to dark orange, and herbs get a characteristically sweet aroma. The process itself is similar to the production of tea leaves when processing black tea.  According to the latest research rooibos contains many minerals, but none in larger quantity. However, it is an important beverage, which quite similar to the green tea provides our body with antioxidants. These are phenolic acids and flavonoids like orientin and aspalathin, which are similar in effect to the green tea flavonoids, only half as strong.  Due to its antioxidants, rooibos is considered to be a health-enhancing beverage that protects from the so-called “civilization or lifestyle” diseases. It also stimulates the functions of livers, accelerates body detoxication, improves digestion, and is good for cardiovascular system. Based on experience of young South African mothers, it is a great remedy for baby colic. It also serves as antidepressant with effects similar to those of St. John’s wort, if consumed regularly for at least three weeks. Its thermal effect on the body is opposite to the one of the green tea, since it slightly warms up the body.  Rooibos can be consumed at any time during the day, either hot or cold. Due to its mildly sweet taste it needs no sugar, but blends well with a teaspoon of honey for the evening cup. Recent research has proven rooibos yields most of its valuable substances, in particular antioxidants, when steeping it for about 10 min on low heat. This will also accentuate its taste.