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Lung Ching green tea

Lung Ching green tea
  • 70°C - 80°C
  • 2-3 min.
  • 3 g/200ml
  • Weight:

  • Price:

    11.20 €

  • SKU:


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Product description

This tea is listed among ten most famous Chinese teas, and is undoubtedly most known in the West. Its name Lung Ching (or Long Jing) means “the dragon’s well” and comes from the legend about the dragon that guards the source of water in this tea growing area. As opposed to the Western dragons, the Chinese one is of benevolent nature and brings good luck, whereas the well it protects never dries out. Lung Ching comes from the province of Zhejiang and is one of those non-bitter teas with explicitly refreshing power for your body and mind.  It stands out for its light colour, mild taste, and a wonderful, chestnut-like aroma.