Formosa Top Fancy Oolong tea
- 95°C
- 4-5 min.
- 3 g/200ml
Product description
This is the finest and the most famous Taiwan tea, growing in the mountain region of this island. Climate conditions are ideal for the growth of quality tea bushes. Processing of the finest oolong tea requires hours of hard manual labour, which is seen in the final product. The leaves are perfectly shaped, with colour varying from dark brown to green and silver white. The beverage is of copper-like colour, with fruity flavour reminding of ripe peaches. It can be slightly spiced, but never bitter. Serve it to your best friends while chatting and don’t be surprised if they ask you for another cup of this tea elixir the next time they come over. Oolong teas can be prepared similar to black teas, by pouring a cup of hot water over a teaspoon of tea, leaving it in for 4 to 5 minutes. The second method of preparation is only typical for Oolong tea: take two teaspoons or more of tea, pour over hot water, leave for a minute, and filter. Used tea leaves can be infused several times, but remember to use freshly boiled water, and each time prolong the time for a minute. Regardless of the preparation method, we drink oolong tea pure, without any additions